Grappling with his son’s suicide, Michael Madsen still hopes to find answers

The father of “Kill Bill” star Michael Madsen is struggling to cope with the death of his son, Hudson, who committed himself at the young age of 26. U.S. Army Sergeant Hudson faced secret mental health concerns, despite a recent text expressing contentment.

Michael thinks the military’s treatment of mental health issues inappropriately may have played a role. Nevertheless, the nature of the inquiry is secret. As they grieve Hudson’s loss, the Madsen family calls for more understanding of mental illness.

Carlie, Michael’s wife, pays tribute with emotion and expresses her guilt for standing by him when he needed help. Support for mental health is crucial, as Hudson’s death has shown.

Hold dear those you care about and put your mental health first in honor of Hudson. Help is accessible; the Suicide Hotline is just one example of a resource that provides anonymous support.

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