Here’s why you should always wrap your car keys in aluminium foil

It is possible to unlock most modern cars from a distance, sometimes just by getting close to them.

With the keyless function, the driver isn’t even need to be physically present for the central locking system to unlock the doors and start the engine.

Of course, criminals are making every effort to take advantage of the technology’s inherent flaws and hazards.

Vehicles equipped with this new technology have been increasingly targeted in thefts, but you don’t have to be the most recent victim.

When it comes to keeping vehicles safe from potential dangers, here are a few basic tips that we believe everyone should be aware of…

Automobiles being pilfered
Get a feel for the keyless system’s inner workings first. To put it simply, your key has a computer chip that is synced with your car’s security system and has a unique code.

There is an other chip in your vehicle that stores the identical information and programming. When the codes are compatible, the vehicle is told to unlock the doors.

Nowadays, it’s rather tough for someone to steal your automobile before you reach it because most keys require you to be within 30 centimeters of your vehicle.

Transmitters for relays
In contrast, carjackers can amplify the key’s radio signal if you leave your vehicle parked in a public lot, such as a mall. It’s an easy and effective method of car theft, and criminals are getting better at it.

Some people even go so far as to scan neighborhoods for automobiles with this feature, according to the Swedish website ViBilägare. They have developed equipment that allows them to steal an automobile just by capturing the signal from the key inside the house.

You won’t need the key anymore after you’ve started the car. They can often walk away from the crime scene with plenty of gas in the tank, and no one will even notice that their car is missing.

Afterwards, the stolen vehicles are deconstructed and re-keyed.

Methods to prevent it
German vehicle manufacturer The techniques employed by criminals to enhance signals from the ignition key were evaluated by ADAC. After being tested on 22 different models of cars from dozens of different manufacturers, every single one of them could be unlocked and driven away.

But you can make a barrier that will stop electric signals and radio waves from passing by wrapping the key in aluminum foil.

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