Homeless man sick of living in tent builds tiny ‘house-on-wheels’ on Hollywood Boulevard with scrap material

It is quite difficult to live on the streets. Local authorities frequently inform homeless people who pitch tents that they need to find a new location. This is the backstory of a man from Los Angeles who goes by the name “Q.”

He took matters into his own hands since he was sick of moving his tent every other day.

As far as Los Angeles neighborhoods go, Hollywood Boulevard is right up there with the most famous. Because of how abundant the area is, it draws thousands of tourists.

But these days, there’s a new local attraction—and it has zero ties to Hollywood! The story of a man who used to be homeless and goes by the name “Q” has gone viral.

The news station FOX 11 questioned him after receiving tips about a “small house-on-wheels” that had been spotted on Hollywood Boulevard. They requested Q to show them around his little house, but he graciously declined.

According to what Q disclosed, he used to live in a tent but got really irritated whenever the city officials would instruct him to take it down and relocate every couple of weeks. No one can possibly support such a lifestyle!

He would scour building sites for materials, salvaging any timber that workers were not using or had discarded, and use it to create his home. His companions also chipped in and provided assistance. He was able to build his mobile home very quickly.

The city offered him temporary housing options, but he turned them down because he had constructed his house on wheels. He turned down the offers because he preferred to stay in the house he had constructed himself, even if it meant settling for a modest hotel room for a while.


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