I Worked Hard to Get My Child Back from a Shelter, but When I Got There He Was Gone

My life changed when social services took my son Peter as a young widower. After my wife died, I had a difficult job interview, but Peter was withdrawn owing to worries about my ability to care for him. Though I tried, his absence left a vacuum in my life.

I became a dangerous Alaskan crab fisherman to earn a living and establish my fatherhood to reclaim custody. I and two other survivors were trapped on a deserted island after a dangerous storm and sea betrayal.

We faced hard conditions, clinging to hope in the frigid wilderness to see my kid again. I miraculously survived to learn about Peter’s condition and his biological father’s custody petition.

Despite losing my kid, I prioritized his health by funding his medical treatment and taking on a new role. Through hardship and sacrifice, I discovered the infinite depths of love and resilience, establishing a new path with Peter and his biological father.

I took advantage of our trip to Alaska to start over, led by my father’s unflinching love.

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