My Daughter-In-Law Forced Me To Choose Between Living In Basement Or Nursing Home

Cecile moved in with her son after her husband Henry passes away in an effort to be near him. When she arrives, though, her daughter-in-law forces her to choose between their chilly, dark basement and a nursing home. What happens if Cecile decides to go in a different direction?

Losing a spouse after forty years of marriage is quite distressing. While loneliness is a natural emotion, it deteriorates over time.

Feeling alone in the wake of my husband Henry’s heart attack hurt more than anything. I was too depressed to do anything but spend time with my loved ones.

My two boys are named Edward and Jack. After college, Edward moved to Oxford since he could pursue further studies there. Every night, he gives me a call to discuss our days.

In contrast, Jack resides in close proximity to me. He and Lucy are married, and their son bears my husband’s name.

I live alone in this large house that Henry bought when we were first starting our family. I’ve been debating whether to sell it, move out on my own, or accept Jack’s offer to live with him.

I decided to live with Jack. I would feel most at ease if I did it. However, I was unaware that Lucy had other plans during my stay.

I requested my sister’s assistance in packing up the previous residence when I moved in with Jack and his family.

I had my bags at my feet when I arrived at their door. I was prepared to take over the kitchen whenever Lucy needed it and live with her as her mother and grandma.

Lucy opened the door for me with a coffee mug in her hand and told me that their house was so crowded that Henry Jr.’s room was the only one that was good for use.

However, she was not interested in making any changes to the space. It was for Henry’s term-end return from college.

I could understand why that might be. Since it was his property, I didn’t want to cause any trouble. But because Jack asked me to move in if I needed to, I assumed he would have taken care of things for me.

As you can see, Cecile and I are having some space issues, Lucy said.

“You have two choices,” she went on. “There is a nursing home or there is the basement. It’s your call, ma’am.”

You’re in a difficult situation where you can’t go.

This allows me to tell you about their basement. There’s no room that’s been turned into a basement like you might find in some homes, so you can’t use it for crafts, games, or sewing. It’s not a den or a cozy place for guests.

Jack’s basement is more like a prison because it is cold and damp, and the bedframe sighs every time you move. The cushion has sharp springs.

I didn’t need this kind of comfort.


I moved my weight from one foot to the other and said, “Lucy.” “Thank you for the possibilities, my love. However, I’ll pass on the combination basement and nursing home.

My son is trying to make amends by coming here.

He approached Lucy from behind and wrapped his arm around her waist.

“I apologize, Mom. I invited you to stay without giving it much thought. Lucy makes a valid argument. We have limited room. I’ll get some furnishings for the basement so you can feel comfortable there.

A basement was not where I wanted to live. I was not yet prepared for a nursing home. I decided to take action on my own.

After dragging my stuff to the car, I headed to my niece’s residence. I spent a week there as I searched for a home to purchase.

The house was already listed for sale, and I knew that once it was sold, I would have enough money to purchase a tiny apartment for myself.

After everything was set up, my niece helped me move in, and I felt empowered. Perhaps I didn’t need family as much as I believed.

I assured Edward that I would be OK on my own, despite his concerns about my being alone.

I moved into my new apartment shortly after that. It was the perfect size for me and the cat I intended to adopt—a comfortable one-bedroom. The nice part was that I didn’t have to worry about anything because it was already set up.

Subsequently, Jack summoned me and Lucy to join him for dinner. As I drove to their residence, it made me wonder what they wanted from me. I told them I’d bought an apartment and moved out on my own while we were eating dinner.

Jack said, “I thought you were staying with Mia,” alluding to my niece.

“You’re not serious at all!” Lucy let out a simultaneous shout.

“Yes, I lived with Mia till I relocated. I required personal space.

“You said that you want to be around family, so I offered,” Jack remarked, making him blush.

“Yes, but I think I’m better off alone if it means having to stay in your basement or getting shipped off to a nursing home.”

I then departed.

I finally acquired my kitty a few weeks later.

However, I also amended my will to give Edward everything. I told them I didn’t need the money, but each month he deposits it into my account.

He answered, “A son has to support his mother.”

When he asked to move to another nation, I declined. I had to be close to Henry’s sleeping area, at least for the time being.

I moved from having issues in the basement to having a comfortable house of my own. You really do get caught off guard by life.

If your child had handed them to you, would you have acted in the same way?

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