Boy watches father die in scuba diving accident after mother’s death

David, a 14-year-old child, suffered a terrible loss when he saw both of his parents pass away quickly. Three weeks after his mother’s cancerous death, his father, Kenneth Lowery, tragically passed away in a scuba diving accident.

Despite their recent setback, the father-son team continued their yearly habit of diving in Florida by leaving on their annual trip. When they hired a boat and went out into the waters off Juno Beach, tragedy befell them.

They departed in the Republic IV charter boat at about nine in the morning. David reappeared on his own fifty minutes later and cried out for assistance. Kenneth’s lifeless body was discovered soon after, despite the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Jupiter police’s best efforts to save him.

Scuba qualified and about to become a diving teacher, Kenneth bravely shoved his son to safety before drowning. When David told his brother about the terrifying event, he revealed his frantic attempt to save his father.

Kenneth and his wife remained close even after their divorce. Kelly Bezayiff, Kenneth’s former mother-in-law, was impressed with him for helping his wife through her cancer treatment even after they split up.

David is currently struggling with his deep sorrow from losing both of his parents in a matter of weeks. During this trying time, our prayers and thoughts are with him and his family.

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