Couple buy old, abandoned water tower & turn it into a stunning home with a one-of-a-kind rooftop

Patrick Mets, an architect, has long been enthralled by and passionate about historic industrial structures, particularly water towers.

When he was a little child growing up in Belgium, he used to dream about what it would be like to live in one of those towers that you could find scattered around the countryside.

Many years later, Patrick finally had the opportunity to fulfill his childhood dream.

This is the house he built, and it is just astounding.
For a year and a half, Patrick and Valérie Lecherf rode motorcycles around the Belgian countryside in search of the ideal water tower.

The plan was to transform the tower into a distinctive house for their future family.

Eventually, the couple saw this dilapidated, deserted tower outside of Brussels, and Mets recognized “the one” as soon as he set eyes on it.

The tower was surrounded by stunning Belgian scenery and was only a short distance from the airport.

However, Lecherf and Mets were aware that the view was insufficient.
Although the building’s structure was impressive, they needed to determine whether it was truly livable.


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