Do You Know The Real Significance Of The Small Scar On The Upper Left Arm

A little, round scar on our upper arm is a permanent reminder for many of us of the smallpox vaccination that was widely administered prior to the 1970s. In order to elicit an immune response against the lethal Variola virus, which causes smallpox, this vaccination used live vaccine virus.

According to the original article, “blisters appear at the injection site after receiving the shot, which eventually heal and leave a circular scar.”

Because blisters were caused by each needle puncture that administered a small amount of the vaccination, the scars are evident. After the injection, the injection site momentarily swells before becoming normal again. However, a bump that like a mosquito bite appears six to eight weeks later and develops into a tumor. Later on, it opens, starts to leak fluid, develops into an ulcer, and finally heals to leave an everlasting scar.

Most of the Western world had been free of smallpox by the early 1970s, and immunizations stopped in the 1980s since there was insufficient exposure to the Vari

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