Family of 7 turns bus into charming home with loft and Dad proudly shows off the inside

Have you ever had dreams of setting out on an illimitable adventure where you could travel whenever and anywhere you pleased?

Together with their five children, Anna and Jeff turned this fantasy into an exciting project.
They demonstrated that home is really where you park it by converting an old school bus into a cozy, mobile residence.

Now, this seven-person adventure family has all the amenities of a regular house on four wheels, including a kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, and even a workstation for Jeff, the family’s tech whiz.

The kitchen, which serves as the focal point of their mobile home, welcomes you as soon as you enter.
It has a washer-dryer combo, a giant Ikea sink that the kids have used as an impromptu bathtub, and a 24-inch propane stove that’s ideal for preparing meals for the whole family.

Butcher block countertops and bespoke cabinetry add character to the kitchen and provide enough storage for a busy family.

Every inch of their home reflects their dedication to creating a comfortable and useful living area.
The bus’s architecture has changed over the course of two restoration rounds and includes a 120-volt refrigerator to keep their food fresh.

These modifications include a repositioned entry door to maximize the inside arrangement and more cabinet doors for pantry space, based on their experiences on the road.

Their desire to instill in their children a lifelong love of travel was sparked by these early travels.

Their $4,000 bus, which they completely renovated with an estimated expenditure of $46,000, served as the means of realizing their dream.

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