A touching incident occurred on a Southwest aircraft from San Diego to Nashville when a 96-year-old woman who had been afraid of flying for 15 years found solace in the compassion of another traveler who was now lovingly referred to as the “flight angel.” Witness to the heartwarming scene Megan Ashley posted the story on Facebook.

The elderly woman was shown remarkable compassion by the anonymous guy during the flight, who held her hand, calmed her concerns by explaining flying specifics, and provided constant support during moments of turbulence. His kindness went above and beyond, helping her to the lavatory and making sure she got off the aircraft without incident. The kind stranger stood by the woman’s side as she reunited with her daughter, referring to him as her “flight angel” and exhibiting a degree of concern that made a lasting effect.

Stories such as this are a strong reminder of the generosity and love that may occur during flight travel in a world when negative news predominate. Megan Ashley hopes that by sharing this touching story, readers will be motivated to show compassion and kindness more often. These incidents, despite the difficulties of contemporary air travel, highlight the enormous influence that small deeds may have, spreading happiness.

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