I Found this at a yard sale but I have no idea what it is. Thoughts at the comments.. 🧐👇

The little metal device that has been confusing Reddit users recently has finally been identified as an old-fashioned personal hygiene tool, rather than a tiny culinary tool as others had amusingly imagined. The small, delicate metal spoon was previously a popular cleaning tool for ears.

Before the invention of cotton swabs, these instruments were important to people’s personal hygiene regimens. The spoon’s earwax-scooping-optimized form serves as a reminder of how personal care products are constantly changing. The fact that this artifact turned up at a yard sale and that it became mysterious online after that shows how readily everyday items from the past may become modern-day treasures.

By modern standards, this ear spoon may appear strange or even unhygienic, but it is a reminder of the creativity and personal nature of ancient daily life. Users laughed at each other over its intended usage, providing a lighthearted moment as well as an insight into historical personal hygiene customs.

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