The woman was upset and told her grandmother that her husband cheated on her

Trials in life frequently force us to turn to the people we can trust for advice and consolation. After learning of her husband’s adultery, a distressed woman sought advice from her sage grandma. The grandmother gave an unusual yet enlightening remark.

She put a carrot, an egg, and coffee beans into different pots after bringing three pots of water to a boil. The granddaughter, bewildered, asked why this experiment was being conducted. Her granny advised her to be patient.

The grandmother then took the carrot out and urged her granddaughter to watch. The carrot was softened and the egg was stiffened by the boiling water. But the water was changed by the coffee beans.

“Which one are you, the carrot, the egg, or the coffee bean?” said the grandmother.

This parable shows us that different people react differently to misfortune. It has the same softening and understanding properties as the carrot. Alternatively, like the egg, we could get stronger. Alternatively, we have the power to alter our situation and overcome obstacles, much like coffee beans do.

The lesson is obvious: choose to be the coffee bean when faced with hardship. Elevate, change, and adapt to oneself.

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