Man Buys 250 Sq. Foot Room, Remodels It Into A Functional Apartment That Folds To Create Space

Christian Schallert’s transformation of his 258 square foot apartment in Barcelona’s Born district is nothing short of remarkable. Initially resembling an empty cube, Schallert’s ingenuity and determination turned it into a highly functional and stylish living space.

Recognizing the constraints of his small apartment, Schallert took matters into his own hands and meticulously crafted furniture and functional pieces that could be hidden, folded, or rolled away when not in use. This allowed him to optimize the limited space and maintain a minimalist aesthetic.


With the help of architect Barbara Appolloni, Schallert’s vision for a space inspired by space-saving furniture on boats and tiny Japanese homes came to life. Despite the sacrifices in terms of space, the apartment retained its functionality and gained a sense of sophistication and practicality.

The transformation was so drastic that even Schallert’s mother was taken aback upon entering the renovated apartment. What was once a dark space with an old mattress became a bright, organized, and inviting home.

Schallert’s story serves as an inspiration for anyone looking to make the most out of limited living space, showcasing how creativity and innovation can turn constraints into opportunities for transformation and self-expression.

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