One Day He Found His Wife Naked

One afternoon, a man returns home early from work to find his wife lying on the bed, visibly distressed.

“What’s going on?” he asks, concerned.

“I…uh…I think I’m having a heart attack,” she replies, her words coming out in a panicked rush.

“Oh no!” exclaims the husband, immediately springing into action. “I’ll call an ambulance right away!”

Hurriedly, he rushes downstairs to dial 911, but before he can complete the call, his son Johnny appears, tears streaming down his face.

“Daddy, Uncle James is in the closet with no clothes on,” Johnny sobs.

Filled with a mixture of confusion and anger, the man rushes back upstairs and swings open the closet door, only to find his brother James standing there completely naked, just as Johnny had said.

“Fool!” the man shouts, his frustration boiling over. “While my wife is potentially having a heart attack, you’re running around naked scaring poor Johnny!”

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