Photos of Extreme Houses from Around the World

Having a home of our own makes us feel at ease and protected, doesn’t it? But some builders and architects have chosen to disprove of this idea by creating structures that stand in defiance of several human phobias.

You can tell the people who designed these homes had a vivid imagination (and likely a good sense of humor) just by looking at them. Looking at pictures of these strange architectural marvels will help us tune in to our emotions. How scared are you?


People who lived in the area and would sometimes cross the Drina River to construct this incredible wooden house in 1968. Their wondrous invention washed away seven times as time passed. But after 2011 Mother Nature finally showed some pity and ceased wreaking havoc on the house. It stands as a symbol of Serbia today.

Two chestnut trees provide the sturdy foundation for this teahouse. It is inaccessible except by means of a set of stairs that are fastened to a tree. This architectural wonder is reserved entirely for solo tea consumption, as you may have already figured.

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